You might be wondering if smtp4dev is worth all the hassle when you can simply send all tests to a throwaway email address. However, while simple and reasonably efficient, there are two key reasons why using a real SMTP server is not ideal:
smtp4dev ( )
In contrast, smtp4dev is designed for testing, so emails sent to it are delivered right away and do not risk being flagged as spam. Its interface allows you to more efficiently examine your email than you would in an inbox.
Mailosaur is a hosted option for covering most testing bases, including test automation, management of SMTP servers, and deliverability. If you are looking for more than what smtp4dev and similar tools can do, check out our email testing documentation to learn more about using Mailosaur to test your emails.
The above will install the most recent non pre-release version. If you want to use the pre-release development versions use rnwood/smtp4dev:prerelease. Both 'latest' and 'prerelease' are cross platform tag which will work on either Windows x64 or Linux x64. To see the full list of available tags see the Docker hub page for smtp4dev.
Run Rnwood.Smtp4dev (.exe on Windows). (If you downloaded the noruntime version, you need the .NET Core 3.1 (.NET 6.0 if using smtp4dev version >= 3.2.x) runtime on your machine and you should execute dotnet Rnwood.Smtpdev.dll to run it.)
Create a site in IIS and set the root path to where you unzipped smtp4dev (do not point at wwwroot or ClientApp). You can also host in a virtual directory under another site, but don't forget to convert the directory to an application.
If you omit the --urls argument, the webserver will use ' :5000' and ' :5001'.I recommend specifying a different URL to host smtp4dev to avoid port collision with other ASP.NET Core applications using the same two default hosting URLs.
IMAP also has support for advanced querying of emails, but unfortunately, that is not supported by smtp4dev. The above sample code works fine for local testing, but for a production server where there are many more emails, you should use the IMAP querying functionality to find and verify your emails.
Both Papercut and smtp4dev save the emails as .eml files that can easily be opened by Outlook or antoher compatible mail client. In Papercut you have to find the executable folder and open the files directly though. A simple double-click function would be nice.
An application like this is meant to be lightweight and easily fired up when required. smtp4dev requires installation and even offers you to let it start on bootup. It might be a matter of preferences, but I really like Papercuts xcopy deployment.
smtp4dev is a dummy SMTP server that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS-X. It allows you to send test emails in your application without sending them to your real customers and eliminates the need to set up a real email server.
A dummy SMTP server for Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X (and maybe elsewhere where .NET Core is available). Lets you test your application without spamming your real customers and without needing to set up a complicated real email server with a special configuration. Messages received in smtp4dev can be viewed and inspected.
I primarily work out of a Virtual Machine and try to keep running background tasks to a minimum. So, I don't particularly want a SMTP server running unless I am actively working on email code. Enter smtp4dev, a simple light weight dummy SMTP server. It runs in your system tray and gives you an easy way to capture email messages and view them.
smtp4dev is a simple SMTP server useful for testing software that needs to send email. Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003/2010 compatible dummy SMTP server. Sits in the system tray and does not deliver the received messages. The received messages can be quickly viewed, saved and the source/structure inspected. Useful for testing/debugging software that generates email.The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this email server software.
smtp4dev is an email server that was designed to help developers and testers alike, view sent email messages via SMTP connections. The utility comes with a neat and simple-like user interface that focuses on providing quick access to the key...full software details
Do you want to uninstall smtp4dev 2.0.8 completely from the computer? Do you receive strange errors when uninstalling smtp4dev 2.0.8? Do you fail to install the updated version or other program after uninstalling smtp4dev 2.0.8? Many computer users can not completely uninstall the program for one reason or another. If some files and components of the program are still left in the system, that means the program is not completely removed and uninstalled. Those leftovers will slow down your computer and stuff your system with invalid files as well as result in many problems for your life, such as strange error popups and unable to install other programs. There are many methods to uninstall the program, please see below:
Please know that both of Windows Add/ Remove Programs and its build-in uninstaller can only uninstall the main executable files of the program, but not all program files and components. Some invalid files may be left in system registry and folders. To completely remove smtp4dev 2.0.8, you need to get rid of those remnants, otherwise, it will slow down your PC and block you installing other incompatible programs.
Note: We only recommend advanced computer users to manually edit registry and removesmtp4dev 2.0.8, because deleting any single registry entry by mistake will lead to severe problem or even system crash.
There is a much easier and safer way to uninstall smtp4dev 2.0.8 completely. A third party uninstaller can automatically help you uninstall any unwanted programs and completely remove all of its files and free up your hard disk space. Especially when users can not find the program in Add/ Remove Programs or its build-in uninstaller, a third party uninstaller can save your much time and frustration.
Smtp4dev stellt einen Fake-SMTP-Server und ein dazugehöriges Webinterface bereit. Ist smtp4dev installiert, so konfiguriert man die zu testende Software einfach so, das smtp4dev als SMTP-Server genutzt wird. Eine Änderung der zu testenden Software entfällt damit vollständig. Alle E-Mails, die versendet worden wären, kann man sich nun im Webinterface anschauen. Dabei wird sichtbar wer Sender / Empfänger gewesen wäre und man kann sich auf einfache Weise den Quelltext und auch die Kopfzeilen der E-Mail anzeigen lassen.
In der Dokumentation werden mehrere Installationsmöglichkeiten genannt. So kann man smtp4dev bspw. als Docker Container starten und damit auch in ein bestehendes Docker Setup (bspw. mit docker-compose) einbinden. Das aufgeräumte Webinterface lädt dazu ein, die Software auch für Präsentationen für Kunden und andere Stakeholder zu verwenden. 2ff7e9595c